Sunday, November 15, 2009

【ベニーからのメッセージ】Benny Agbayani's Message to the Chiba Lotte Marines Fans.




最後になりますが、みなさんもご存じの通り、僕は2009年9月27日にライトスタンドへホームランを打ちました。6年間、僕をサポートし続けてくれたファンのみなさんのために打ったホームランです。みなさんが僕を思い出してくれる何かを、最後に渡しておきたかった。誇りを持ってマリーンズのユニフォームを着た偉大なプレーヤーとしての印象を残せていれば、と思います。アグバヤニ家全員が、この6年間で経験したことと、これまでに築き上げた素晴らしい友情を、いつまでも心の奥深くに持ち続けます。私たちは、日本の文化や食事、そして私たちに心を開いてくれたファンのみなさんの優しさを経験することができました。あと、誰かお礼を言い忘れた人がいたとしても…心配しないで!ハワイではこう言います。「我々は、全員がひとつの大きなオハナ(ハワイ語で‘家族’の意)。なぜなら、誰ひとり取り残されている者はないのだから」。日本が恋しくなります。特においしい食事が!みなさん、体に気を付けて!また会う日まで!BENNY DID GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benny Agbayani #50

Dear Marines Fans,
I just wanted to say thanks for six great years in a Marines Jersey. I have been very fortunate to have played for a team where the fans have always been supportive through the good and bad times. It did not matter what the score was or how the game was going you (Marines Fans) gave your 100%. I have made a lot of friendships in six years and will always remember all you guys. You guys have left a great inspiration not only in me but also my family. They have been so comfortable being in the stands and having the experience of what Japanese baseball fans bring to the game each and every day. My kids have enjoyed it and will never forget this experience. The right field fans have influenced my kids to always think positively and don't give up because no matter what the score was the fans were always cheering the team on till the end.

When I came in 2004 I did not know what to expect. My teammates were a little distant at first but as the years went by we had grown and became a unit. They had made me feel like I was a part of the Marines family. It was 6 years that I will never forget and the friendships that were built through the years. The Championship that we won in 2005 was a great accomplishment for the Marines organization and also for my teammates because it showed that we had the drive to build and work as one unit. I think Bobby Valentine gave each player the confidence that if we played together as one unit and stayed on the same page from day one we could win. Bobby was a great leader that everyone believed that would lead us to the top. Before I came I did not know that the Marines were a bottom class team. But I am glad and happy to say that I was part of a team that did things that others thought we could not do. For all my teammates I thank you very much for accepting me and my family to be part of this organization.

In conclusion, as you know on September 27 2009 I hit a homerun to right field. That homerun was for all the fans because you guys have supported me for six years and I wanted to give you guys something to remember me by. I hope I have left a mark as being a great player that wore the Marines jersey with pride. From the bottom of our hearts the Agbayanis will never forget what we have experienced and the great friendships that have been built over the past six years. We have experienced the culture, the food, and the great hospitality of the fans that have opened there hearts to us. If I left anyone out. Don't worry! As we say in Hawaii, " we will always be one big OHANA ( that means family in Hawaiian) because no one will be left behind." I will miss you all and especially the food! Take care and be safe! Until we meet again! BENNY DID GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Benny Agbayani #50